Welcome to general forum of DS Emulator Community! This forum is only for general discussions about DS emulators, not for bug reporting and compatibility problems. General discussions can include: 1. New releases of specific DS emulators. 2. Documentation of specific DS emulators (how well does the documentations of specific DS emulators is organized?) 3. Development status of specific DS emulators (active/discontinued). 4. Newly discovered DS emulators e.g: there are new DS emulator projects had started and made its inicial release. 5. Pros and cons of specific DS emulators (good things and bad things of specific DS emulators). 6. Feature comparasen between 2 DS emulators (what are the features of 2 DS emulators and which DS emulators has the same features). 7. Finally, which DS emulator is best to use (try to combine pros and cons and features of the DS emulator that you are talking about) These are some of the example threads that are count as general. There are actually more.